Vision, Mission, Core Values
Epworth Forest is an Empowering Christian Community Where Lives are
To Create and Nurture Disciples of Christ by Providing a Christian
Core values
- Stewardship of Gifts and Graces
- Jesus is Lord
- Christ Changes Lives
- Christ Calls Us To Become and to Make Disciples
- We should be a Community* [Biblical] - [Love -
Serve - Know - Celebrate]
- Relevancy
- Grace
- Holy Sprit is Active
- God Loves All People
- Forgiveness of Sins
- Prayer is an Essential Channel for God's Grace
- Eternal Life
- Bible is God's Word
- Epworth Forest is Holy Ground
- God Calls us to be Co-Creators
- God is a Change Agent [Provides New Wineskins (Innovation)]
- God Has a Vision
- God is Faithful
- We Can Achieve the Vision
- Knowing and Being Known
- Serving and Being Served
- Loving and Being Loved
- Celebrating and Being Celebrated
Vision = Desired future
Mission = What we do day in and day out to reach the vision
Core values = Constant Essential Beliefs that enable us to move from our
mission to our vision