Epworth Forest Summer "Boat In Worship" Program
During each summer the North Webster United Methodist Church hosts a weekly Boat In Worship service on Sunday mornings from Memorial Day through Labor Day weekends. Services start at 7:30 a.m, are informal and open to everyone, and are held either on the hill by the beach and in front of Freeland House (the "hotel") or inside Cokesbury beach house if it rains. Come by boat or bring your lawn chair!
If you have questions, contact:
North Webster United Methodist Church
7822 E Epworth Forest Rd
North Webster, IN 46555-0282
Church Office: (574) 834-2871
Pastoral emergency: (574) 529-0963
Email: nwumc@kconline.com
Website: http://northwebsterumc.org/
North Webster United Methodist Church
Contact information
North Webster United Methodist Church
7822 E Epworth Forest Rd
North Webster, IN 46555-0282
Church Office: (574) 834-2871
Pastoral emergency: (574) 529-0963
Email: nwumc@kconline.com
Website: http://northwebsterumc.org/
Worship Times:
Webster Lake Conservation Association:
Webster Lake benefits all of us by providing a natural setting for recreation and enjoyment, and by bolstering our local economy and property values. Therefore, it is important that all of us take an active role in protecting the lake environment by joining the Webster Lake Conservation Association. Since the Association's formation in 1950, Epworth Forest has been an active supporter. The Association's ongoing weed-control program and other environmental preservation measures are critical to both our immediate and future enjoyment of the lake. These measures are only possible through your participation.
Membership in the Association not only provides a financial base for Association's activities, but also enables members to voice their concerns about issues related to the lake. The Association holds meetings on the first Saturday of the month, May through September, and annual dues are very reasonable compared to similar organizations.
Webster Lake Conservation Association, Inc. (WLCA)
P.O. Box 79
North Webster, IN 46555